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Four Major Reasons and Solutions for the Sagging of Acrylic Floor Paint

Acrylic floor paint is a commonly used type of workshop and factory floor paint. There are mainly two types of floor paint. Due to the fast drying speed and simple construction of thermoplastic floor paint, many factories, workshops, warehouses, parking lots, and other places use this type of floor paint, which has a variety of colors and can be used in different occasions. However, acrylic floor paint can also have problems during construction, and one of the more serious issues is the sinking of the paint film. Now let's understand the causes and solutions for the sinking of acrylic paint film.

Ground treatment issues for acrylic floor paint

In general, factories and workshops have cement concrete floors. If there are cracks, holes, or loose substances on the original ground, or if the substrate is not properly cleaned, it may cause the sinking of the paint film after the acrylic floor paint is applied.

Solution: Before applying the floor paint, the ground should be properly treated. Use mortar or putty to fill in the holes and cracks on the ground, tap the ground to remove any bulges, and use a grinder to increase the hardness of the ground.

Primer issues for sealed acrylic floor paint

If a sealing primer is not used or improperly applied, the cement substrate may not be fully sealed. The quality of the sealed acrylic floor paint is affected, resulting in poor sealing of the ground and insufficient strength, leading to sinking under heavy loads.

Solution: Use a high-quality epoxy sealing primer and ensure that the ground is fully sealed during construction.

Compression resistance of acrylic floor paint

Different brands or manufacturers of acrylic floor paint may have some differences in performance, including their load-bearing capacity. Exceeding the upper limit can easily cause the sinking of the floor paint film.

Solution: Clearly communicate the intended use when purchasing acrylic floor paint and choose a suitable product. Do not place heavy objects on the floor surface that exceed its load-bearing capacity.

Short construction intervals for acrylic floor paint

Applying the next coat of paint before the lower coating has dried can result in a thinner paint film and subsequent sinking issues for the floor paint. Short construction intervals can also cause issues such as cracking and blistering of the paint film.

Solution: Wait for the previous coat of paint to be surface dry before applying the next coat. Avoid rushing the process and avoid construction in high temperature and high humidity weather, as it can increase the water content of the paint film and prolong drying time.

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